Norfolk Hope not Hate Campaign Invites you to a meeting in the Council Chamber Norwich City Hall 2pm Tuesday 10th March 2009
Don't wake up on 5 June to the BNP nightmare!
The BNP is aiming to win an MEP in the East of England region next year. They want to spread their poison across the region and join up with their racist and nazi mates in the European Parliament. They know that just one MEP will transform their political and financial fortunes - that is why they are going flat out to win seats next summer.
The BNP are boasting on their website that they'll be running their "most sophisticated election campaign to date." Their threat is very real. But the vast majority of British people fundamentally reject their campaign of hate. And with your help we'll win this important fight.
The BNP are already active in the Norwich area with recent activity in Sprowston and Thorpe and all mainstream political parties, faith and community groups ignore this at their peril.
The British National Party should be of concern to all decent people. It is not a matter solely for politicians. The threat of racism and fascism needs to be addressed before it is too late and that means all good people doing something.
The Norfolk “Hope not Hate” campaign welcomes representatives of all mainstream political parties, all community, all faith and all other interested groups to bring together people who want to play their part in solving issues fairly and honestly.
The Norfolk “Hope not Hate” campaign believes that everyone who lives and works in Norfolk should be able to do so with dignity, free from prejudice and discrimination and we are sure that the vast majority of people in Norfolk share this view.
Together we can bring Hope and defeat those who promote Hate. Details of our meeting are given above. We hope to see you there.
If you have any questions or would like further information please phone: 01603 630819 or email geraldinemurray@ntlworld.com
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